Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What! Peking Duck for Thanksgiving??

This is my attempt at keeping everyone posted on our lives. We feel so far removed for everyone being on this side of the world. Although we are a full day ahead of all of you, we are still celebrating Thanksgiving earlier than usual. Our feast will be this Saturday. Liam pitched a fit when he found out that there was to be no turkey or stuffing on the sacred day. I promised him his feast before we left for Beijing. Who knew that it meant so much to him? My guess is he has a conscious memory of two Thanksgivings, at most. It's sweet that it means so much to him. Alexis is just happy with some cool whip.

Here are is a picture of the main event this past October! They filled their bags with goodies, but they've lost interest already! Thank goodness!

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