The hawk swooped down when my back was turned. I just heard her shrill cry. There was nothing I could do to console her. Alexis isn't quite sure if the hawk took her cookie, but I do know that it scratched her left hand and index finger.
After a lot of hugging and consoling, she flatly stated that she would never eat anything outside. I think she may have issues with picnics as an adult.
After the hawk excitement, we called it a day and went inside. Liam was in chatty mood. He proceeded to tell me about the "bad person drill" they do at school. They learn what to do in the event of a bad person in the hallway...just knowing he is conscious of this, is a little upsetting. I sound old saying this, but childhood seemed much simpler.....
Afterwards, he explained kindergarten politics. There is a clear hierarchy on the playground. There are teams (read, cliques) on the playground. Liam explained he had his own team but wanted to join the all boy playground team, so he disbanded his own team to join the other. To be part of the other team, he had to prove that he could run fast, jump, play war and battle, and not play with girls.
I guess he proved his mettle because he has a coveted spot on this team. After he became a member, he was told that if he left for another team, he could never rejoin...hmmm, this is all so interesting to me on so many levels....he said it's not done in a mean way...according to him, this is just how the boys play....he's learning something here about peer pressure, acceptance and friends.....
....after all this,he broke the news to me that he wants to start his own team again....
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