We had a really nice Christmas day together. It was laid back.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The doc is in
Christmas in Japan
L- and A- were thrilled at the sight of all the goodies Santa left for them! They actually slept until 7 am! That was great for us! We were rested for presents, church, and dinner with great friends. Alexis was in princess heaven, with a princess bike, a lily dress and three pairs of princess shoes.
Twas the Night Before Christmas....
Ready for my Close Up!
Alexis getting ready for her debut of "Jingle Bells" and " We Wish you a Happy Holiday?" Isn't it supposed to be "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" Terry and I were surprised by this change in an old Christmas classic. When did Christmas become a dirty word? It's not like she's in public school where this is mandatory....Anyway, we're teaching her the old classic....The happy holiday song is nothing more than an old navy commercial to us.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
We decorated a gingerbread house. It was the perfect project for me and the kids. They followed directions perfectly. We used up all the forgotten candy from Halloween. The Starburst came in handy for the roofing. Liam and Alexis have a future in roofing. This would make Papi happy. They were very methodical ...Oh no, I'm rubbing off on them..
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Round #2
Office Party
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
More Ornaments
The Tree According to Liam
Winter Swimming
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Liam and Alexis visited with Santa this past Sunday. Liam was a bit suspicious of a Japanese Santa that could only say "Medley Chreesmas". They told Santa what they wanted and I rushed them off before they attempted to engage Santa in conversation. They cut conversation short as soon as he handed them a bag of cookies. Hanna and Lisa were with us, so we had a great time.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Army Chess
We bought Liam another bag of green army men, one of his favorite toys. Great for us because they're such a steal. We stopped in at Starbucks for a coffee and juice break. Liam took it upon himself to set up the soldiers for a game of chess. Yes, he is learning something at school. It was news to us, but Liam is playing a chess game at computer lab. He didn't play but the exact rules, but the interest to learn is there. There are always surprises...
Speaking of trees, Liam had a close encounter with our tree at home. He was perched on the armrest of the sofa to get a very close look at the tree. He lost his balance and fell into the tree, taking it down, ornaments and all! Terry found him at the bottom of the mess. Oh, this was after bath time so he was in the buff! Ouch!! Luckily, only a couple of lights broke and Liam didn't get a scratch on him. I couldn't stop laughing. It took us an hour to get the tree upright and balanced again. After that we still had to clean up the entire mess of tree water! He's giving the tree a wide berth now. Hard lesson to learn I guess.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree
We gathered up the little ones and drove our beater to the NEX parking lot to pick out our tree. Quite a change from cutting our own in CT but fun nonetheless. These trees were cut down in October, frozen and shipped in a container ship. The NEX people thaw the trees by spraying them down with water! Not the freshest trees but the only way here.
Monkey In A Tree
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I don't have much lap room for my little ones anymore. They just keep growing! It's nice to get a snuggle and kiss from Liam these days. It happens few and far between. He's never been much of a snuggler. Alexis makes up for this deficit. If I offered to carry her all the time, she would gladly oblige.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Good friends + Chouhi = Kareoke
This is the magic formula to a good time in Japan! Green apple chouhi's are the tastiest concoction in this country! We had a great time this past Saturday. We ended up in a kareoke room rental place. We essentially rent out a room with chairs and a kareoke machine for the night. Remember the kareoke scene in "Lost in Translation"? Same thing. After a few chouhis we sounded like rock stars!
This is the magic formula to a good time in Japan! Green apple chouhi's are the tastiest concoction in this country! We had a great time this past Saturday. We ended up in a kareoke room rental place. We essentially rent out a room with chairs and a kareoke machine for the night. Remember the kareoke scene in "Lost in Translation"? Same thing. After a few chouhis we sounded like rock stars!
Princess Sleepover
Alexis is in heaven with Hanny,her best friend (and often mistaken sister). The girls had a princess sleepover. They did the whole bit; princess movies, princess jammies, and popcorn. It was exciting for her. In reality, the M's house is her second home. They are great friends!
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